it the latest trend worldwide,companies are requiring that products are made with green friendly products,and at our company,we are pround of our products,we are pround of dong something good for ont only our customers but for the environment, for the world we live in.
Our wide and comprehensive range of plastic shredders are capable of processing a large variety of plastic materials to a multitude of fraction sizes and throughput rates.
With the range of shredding equipments as well as a variety of rotor types, rotor geometries and cutting tools, we can shred such plastic as PET, PVC,PP, PS ,PU AND PE. Whether it is large volume blow molded pieces, pipe and profiles, purge or other plastic production waste such as bottles, fibers or carpet, HAORUI has the suitable plastic shredder to handle the job, simply contact us and our experienced service team will be happy to assist you.
Regardless of your application you can count on the following benefits:
·The right technology for your application
·High productivity
·Easy to operate
·Unsurpassed accessibility for ease of maintenance
·Low operating cost
·Low energy consumption
·Pre-washing function
1,high quality
2,length and height can be adjusted
3,can be customized
4, magnet inside
5, excellent after-sales service
1, Convey the plastic bottles or other waste plastic to certain machines.
2, It can save the labors dramatically.
3, It can make the bottles entering into the machines well-proportioned.
4, Can be made on your require.
5, There is strong magnet inside, so it can remove the iron impurity